Tourist Tax Reminder

Dear owners of holiday homes, suites or apartments!

Please check the balance of your debt in the eVisitor system and, if you haven’t already, pay the tourist tax as soon as possible.

Please note that according to the Tourist Tax Act (Official Gazette 52/19, 32/20 and 42/20), you are required to pay the tourist tax by:

  • 15.7. of the current year (flat rate)
  • until the last day of stay (payment per night).


We are obliged to inform the competent State Inspectorate about all outstanding debts.

Best regards,

The Municipality of Malinska – Dubašnica Tourist Board

Dear owners of vacation houses or apartments,

we hereby remind you that you are obliged to register your stay and of the people who are staying in your apartment by yourself via eVisitor (national online information system) all year round.

Check-in can be made by means of any device that has Internet access.

  • If you still do not have the access information, we invite you to personally come to our Office in Malinska, at Obala 46 and present your title deed, OIB and ID card to collect your access data for the eVisitor system.
  • If you are unable to come in person, you can authorise another person to collect your access data by presenting the power of attorney certified by a notary public. When collecting the access data the authorised person must present your title deed, your OIB, notarized power of attorney, copy of the owner’s ID document and the original of his own ID document.
  • If the company or firm owns the apartment, you also have to submit a copy of the Excerpt from the Commercial Court Register.

The citizens of the non-EU and non-EEA countries that must be registered with the Ministry of Interior will automatically be registered via the eVisitor system.

We would like to remind you that according to the Tourist Tax Act (Official Gazette 52/19) you are obliged to register your stay and of all persons staying at your house or apartment within 24 hours. eVisitor system will enable you to generate and print a payment slip to pay for the period when such obligation exists.

A vacation house or apartment is every building or apartment that is used occasionally or seasonally, does not fall in the category of the tourist accommodation object, and its owners do not have permanent residence in Malinska.

In the period from 15 June to 15 September the owner and members of his immediate family must pay a tourist tax reduced by 70%, i.e. HRK 3.00 [0,40 €] per person per day.

Tourist tax can be paid in annual lump sum, which amounts to HRK 120.00 [~15,93€] for each of the first two members and HRK 60.00 [~7,96€] for each additional person, no later than July 15. This refers to Croatian citizens and citizens of the European Union.

From 15 June to 15 September the citizens who do not have Croatian citizenship or the citizenship of an EU Member State must pay the full amount of the tourist tax in the amount of HRK 10.00 [~ 1,33€] per person per night. During the rest of the year there is no obligation to pay tourist tax.

​​​​​​​Please follow the above instructions. If the State inspectorate determines that you have not checked-in or checked-out the stay of your guests or and paid the tourist tax within a certain period, you will be subjected to a statutory fine (from 500,00 to 6000,00 HRK [~from 66,36 to 796,34€]  according to the Tourist Tax Act).

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